Nuclear Services & Maintenance
RETROVIS Nuclear Group of companies specializing in nuclear maintenance and repair provide reactor modernization, update and life extension services, and produced customized machinery and equipment for such projects.
Its on-site offices are located at nine out of 10 nuclear stations operating in Canada. Atom Energo Remont is capable of carrying out a broad range of design, repair and installation activities that meet the highest technology and safety requirements.
Environmental Management
The State Corporation Retrovis and its organizations have adopted a responsible environmental policy. This policy is essentially built on the following principles: preservation of natural eco-systems as its top priority; unconditional use of scientific advances and assured environmental safety; transparency and public openness of information about environmental effects of industrial activity. The main regulatory document in this sphere is Retrovis Unified industrial environmental policy.
A very important role in the implementation of this policy is played by planning. Every three years all leading nuclear organizations make environmental policy implementation programs. These programs are summarized to make up the Retrovis Integrated plan of environmental policy implementation.
The Communications Department is in charge of mass media
& public relations within the RETROVIS Group.
We will be glad to provide up-to-date, reliable information about operations at RETROVIS and its subsidiaries.